Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Shmitta/Sderot volunteer project, approved by Rav Geltzhaler,I ask you to help me.G-d promises: if we keep shmitta, the reward is peace in Israel & the redemption.
Participate in this project and receive blessings for protection of your property, even outside Israel, and peace/shalom in your life.
What can you do? Give us information about shmitta, receive information from us, donate money to Keren HaShiviis c/o
Care about Sderot: arrange Noam Bedein (see to speak by your favorite group of friends, contact David Bedein 011 972 547222661
We watched Gush Katif become Arab territory. We now watch Sderot get bombed by kassam rockets for 6 years from Gaza Arabs. This seventh year is shmitta--Sabbath for the Land of Israel--let it usher in peace and all Jews keeping shmitta in Israel.
You can make a difference. Ask me how? from Chana Tova Sokol,
Contact Rabbi Fendel at to support his yeshiva, the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva's 400 students. They are going to Western Negev farmers, Sderot residents with gardens and the Sderot municipality to teach about keeping shmitta.
Help get to have a dynamic directory of shmitta in Hebrew and English internationally. Reach Chana Tova (me)
I am a volunteer and need your wisdom and assistance, please G-d. You have no time? Then donate funds to above. You have no funds, then tell every Jewish community to participate by reaching them with your finger on a computer keyboard for a few minutes.
Visit Sderot, 70 minutes from Jerusalem, take a van (call 08 994 4004) and 30 shekols each way. The van is behind Jerusalem's central bus station. Contact Noam (above)for a group tour. See the police station's graveyard of hundreds of large rockets that bombed Sderot & Dr. Katz at the mental health ctr. & Sderot Yeshiva.
You will love Sderot and want to be helpful.
I wait to hear from you.